Hello GG families,
After another delightful morning as well as an awesome breakfast and a mental warm-up, we traveled to the indigenous Cacha community. We were entertained by the incredible and unexpected history of the Cacha community and were able to participate in a cleansing ceremony, it was a touching experience to learn and feel the culture of the Cacha community. The day got shorter the closer we got back to La Primavera after visiting and learning so much from the Cacha community. We had a tasty lunch and a leadership meeting was held afterwards for the upcoming LDD’s. Meanwhile, the rest of us had the rest time for ourselves. After free time was up, we boarded a bus on our way to the Carlos Garbay school; a special needs school. This GG partner is going to be the site of our Community Action Project. We were there to investigate and ask questions about what the school needed to improve for the benefit of the students. The trip to the school was incredibly eye opening and allowed us to discover the challenges the school is facing with the goal of providing sustainable solutions in mind. After meeting and talking with the schools directors we were satisfied with what we learned. We got on the bus that had arrived and made our way back to La Primavera and were introduced to an incredible and mouth watering dinner. A self-reflection was held for us to get to know each other more as well as the welcoming of the new LDDs and thus the torch was passed on for another adventurous day.
Big Love, Cesar
Comments (4)
Cesar Carchi Sr.
I am glad Cesar and his crew are having fun and learning about Ecuador’s culture.
Greg Thompson
Hi, the link for the pictures is missing or broken.
Michelle Thompson
Hi Cesar, I am not sure if you uploaded images. If you did, they did not come through. Please reload, if possible. Thank you, Michelle Thompson
Moradeke Kehinde
Great job to you all. But we couldn’t see the pictures.