Group #1 is building and painting a new fence
Lider del Dia #1:
Yo yo yo -it’s Marjan here for another wacky Global Glimpse update: basically, I was a “Lider del Dia”, well, one of the two leaders of the day but it’s my time to shine. We supported the local community by helping build a fence for a school, mind you I had to do a presentation in Spanish for the principal and the supplier of the tools with like no practice because while they were translating my parts, I was in the leadership meeting but it ended up being…understandable. We all did well after a very crucial panel with the supplier, with me sitting there quietly trying to figure out how much a meter was.
Fast forward to me getting my signature LDD poncho and man purse and fast, fast forward to the next day. I got ready last minute and headed off to be an awesome role model, of course, and then after a nice breakfast, thanking the caff staff, and a solid convo with Mateo about my life goals, we arrived at the German Abdo community. “Chop chop let’s get to work” is what I would’ve thought about saying but everyone just knew what to do, the whole process was actually really fast. There were two teams: the mural team and the fence team, and there were two groups in the fence team that were in charge of the digging and the painting. I had the title of organizer of the group (on top of being the leader of the day so no pressure at all). All jokes to the left, I really liked my group and we made a lot of progress for just the first day. We were talking to the supplier who was giving us some quick tips and then, we were burning through the entire plan. As the day progressed, I got my footing with being a leader and I felt much more comfortable with the role than I thought I’d be on day one. Time flew like a bullet train and suddenly we were eating lunch at the school. After that, we had a little more time to continue our project. Ever so often I’d check on the mural team and ask them to drink some water as they were making crazy progress every time I checked. After a bit, both teams were waiting for the paint to dry and we got to have a lot of fun playing in the park and dancing like the school’s youth rubbed off on us. I really liked it.

Marjan wearing his LDD poncho
It was crazy to take in the entire experience of the whole week and we got to reflect on that once we went back to the hotel. It made all parts of the day- even little things like the differences in the corner stores- just wild for me personally. In short, this was a solid day – 10/10 would recommend, and on that note, imma slide the mic to my co-leader of the day, Angie.
Lider Del Dia #2:
Hola Todos! Soy Angela Caliz, also Lider del Dia for today! Marjan was a fun leader today, but he woke up late and I as the co-leader had to wake him up ?. (It’s okay because I forgave him). Anyway, today as everyone said, was productive, fun, and very community-engaging. We spent all day from 9 to 4 at la escuela Germàn Abdo and worked on our Community Action Project to start our first day. This CAP Project will take place over 2 days at the school, and today was our first. Our two groups, the one that worked on a motivational new fence for their garden that is at the entrance of the school, and the other group that was in charge of creating a new motivational mural for the school have made outstanding progress.

Group #2: Working on a mural
It’s amazing how much fun we all had today and the group work that was put into it. I was a part of the group that was building the new fence for the garden, and we had so much fun. We even spent some time on the playground at the school and had so much good energy and bonding time. We learned what makes good teamwork and community for ourselves, and how every single person’s role is important and significant. Without everyone working as a team and communicating with each other, we would not have done as much as we did. I appreciated today a lot, and I know my peers did as well!

A fun and productive day!
Comments (3)
Karla Garcia
Hello glimpsers! what a nice day. I am happy to see how how you guys engage in all these projects and work together. The best part is that you guys are having fun doing it.
Well done you guys. I can’t wait to see the final product ?
I hope you all have a restful night. Take care everyone and keep going!
Much love and blessings from California.
Karen C
GE. Team Work Always gets the Best Results. I’m so Glad Everyone worked Together. The Final Project would be Amazing. I’m so Proud of Each and Everyone of You. Keep Up the Great Teamwork. ENJOY. Continue On!!
Excellent Job MARJAN!!!! Thank you for taking me on the journey with you!! Your details and fun wit made this like I was there!!! Great great job!!!!
And way to stay true by oversleeping there too! We love and miss you!!! ❤️❤️❤️