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Student Trip Blog

CAP Day Uno

Hello Global Glimpse families,

Today was an exciting day! We were able to start on our community action project, otherwise known as (CAP). We woke up at 6 o clock. We got ready and packed our bags in preparation for the day, and then headed over for a delicious breakfast prepared by our amazing chefs Diego and Emilia, which consisted of eggs, french toast as well and fruits. We then headed down to the school, where we started off the day by playing with the kids. and played sports such as volleyball and soccer. Some of us also sat with the kids and made conversation. They were super energetic and loud. It made our day and gave us more motivation to work even harder on school. The group was excited to get to work.

We started a bit late because the materials were not ready but once we started, the group was divided into five. Some were using sandpaper to prep the walls and clean them of any debris or old paint. Others began the work of the previous three deligations like the fence which we covered with a mix of metallic paint and paint thinner. One group which consisted of Andrea, Mercedes, Kyle as well and Sabrina worked in the blazing hot sun without any shade and made amazing progress covering the fence with metallic paint.

We then took a well-deserved lunch break where we ate school lunch which consisted of rice and garbanzo beans soup with a side of pineapples.  After we finished lunch many of the students were so determined they actually began to start working before the break, grabbing brushes and buckets of paint and jumping right back to repairing the fence.

After that the group that had done the hard work of sanding the walls they then began to fill up buckets of paint with an amazing tone of lovely minty green to paint the walls. We were able to finish a quarter of the walls we had left. We began cleaning and getting ready to head home on the way we stopped for a quick snack from the local market, and then we walked home.

Where we then had downtime until dinner and ate rice and salad with lentil soup. After we had our usual nightly meeting. We recapped the day, discussing the quote and question of the day. The torch was passed down to Nicole and Tern who will lead us tomorrow. Now we rest for another fulfilling day of helping Santa Rosa’s community.

Signing off,

Jose, Eddy, and Omar

Comments (14)

Teddy Li

on August 9, 2023 at 8:49 pm

Audrey!!! Have a Happy Birthday and I hope you are enjoying your trip.

Blake (and Parents)

on August 9, 2023 at 8:54 pm

Happy Birthday Audrey! Keep up the great work. We can’t wait to hear about all your adventures when you get back.

Auntie Fifi

on August 9, 2023 at 8:57 pm

August 10th won’t be same without you Audrey. Go make memories and tell us all about it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Love you and miss you!!!

Tim, Liz and Kelsey

on August 9, 2023 at 9:10 pm

Busy day! It sounds like a lot of hard work, we can’t wait to see what you guys accomplish!
Audrey, we want to wish you a very Happy Birthday from California. We realize 8/9 is not your birthday, and 8/10 is, didn’t know when this message would get to you. We hope you have an amazing day over there on your special day.

Jimmy Li

on August 9, 2023 at 9:20 pm

Happy Birthday Audrey!!!
Looks like you’re having a great time and I hope you are learning a lot. See you next week.
– Uncle Jimmy

Maritza Lew

on August 9, 2023 at 9:24 pm

¡Feliz cumpleaños Audrey! Espero que disfrutes de tu día especial. Tengo muchas ganas de escuchar acerca de todas sus nuevas aventuras. Cuídate… Tía Maritza

Greg G

on August 9, 2023 at 9:26 pm

What a full day! Sounds like you guys worked hard sanding, cleaning painting AND had enough energy to still run around and have fun with the kids there. I bet this part of this trip will be the most satisfying and the part you’ll really remember. Maybe someday you can come back with your parents and show them what you did (hint, hint: Mariko, I want to visit Costa Rica too!!)
Great update, guys, and hope you are all having a much deserved rest!

Milo and Otis

on August 9, 2023 at 9:37 pm

Happy Birthday Audrey!


on August 9, 2023 at 9:52 pm

Happy birthday Audrey! Hope you are having a blast


on August 9, 2023 at 10:08 pm

Happy Birthday Audrey! Have a great time and we’ll see you when you get back!
From: Tiffany, Mike, Nick, Emma and Ryan


on August 10, 2023 at 12:08 am


Auntie Fay, Uncle Henry, & Stephanie

on August 10, 2023 at 12:09 am

Happy Birthday Audrey!!!??


on August 10, 2023 at 8:27 am

Hi Audrey! Hope you have a wonderful birthday in Costa Rica! So grateful for the wonderful experience you’re having. Everyone misses you at home! Happy Birthday!! – Auntie Felicia


on August 10, 2023 at 9:30 am

Happy Birthday Audrey ! ???Hope you are having a wonderful time on your birthday. Miss you will see you next week .

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