Hello from the DR!! We started the day off with a nice breakfast which was ham and cheese sandwiches which were extremely good! We then had a nice mental warm-up which prepared us for the day, which was followed by the Multiuso Coacher activity which was directed by Bernado (The Alegria Inocente Foundation) who introduced us to our CAP Project. We all enjoyed listening to what Bernado had to say about what his foundation does (donating school supplies, and clothes and rebuilding houses for people in need). We then went to the supermarket where people were able to get snacks, drinks, and candies! That was followed by going to another store, Plaza Commercial, which had a dollar store kind of vibe that literally had everything (be prepared to receive stuff from your kids from the market!). It then started to POUR so we headed back to the hotel where we had some free time, we all gave hauls on what we got from the Plaza, it was extremely interesting to see what everyone purchased, and the voice effects after someone presented something were very funny. We then had lunch which was chicken, white rice, beans, and cucumbers (which we had collected from yesterday). After lunch, we went to the community where we would be completing our CAP project. Everyone had strong teamwork as it was very slippery when going through the community. It was very eye-opening and vulnerable. As a group, we all felt grateful for what we had back in the US. The 3 people we met who we will be helping throughout the three days were very welcoming, kind, and appreciative of the work we will be doing. We then had a quick seminar that discussed our plan for our project (providing concrete cement floors to their homes) and prepared us for what we would all be doing! Following that, we had dinner which was spaghetti with meat sauce and bread. We then ended the night with our nightly meeting which recapped the day and introduced our next student leaders for tomorrow!
Parents, remember to PLEASE COMMENT so your children can hear from you during the trip, as comments will be read during free time! You should have also received an email about your kid calling you at some point tomorrow, so when you receive a call from a number you do not recognize, please answer the phone as they will be looking forward to talking to you.
Much love,
Jayla and Daniela <3 (to both of our families and friends, S’mores and Juliet we MISS and LOVE you so much!!!)
Comments (23)
Omg I’m so excited to hear from Savannah about the trip!
Dope!!! Can’t wait to see pictures of when you guys project is complete
Sylvia Elijahblou mom
I look forward to reading your recap . Looks like you guys are enjoying your self. Be safe continue to enjoy this wonderful opportunity that was given . So excited to hear from you Elijahblou??
Looks like another great day in DR!!!
I’m so happy for all of you! New adventure, new experience! Enjoy every moment everyone!
Kesya i miss you so much, I can NOT wait to hear your voice tomorrow! Love you so much!! I miss you very much!!
Kiss and love from Alaska!!!
Please call me tomorrow! Kesya my phone service is limited but in case I don’t pick up please try few times!!! Kocham Cię bardzo ???
Hi Glimsers, and Anastasia!!! So proud of the work you will be doing and knowledge you are receiving on this trip! Enjoy the experience, work hard and think of difference you are already making.
Anastasia, we miss you. Whitey is doing better, but she misses you like crazy. We have to give her extra love in your absence. Love you, baby!
Hi Jayden, hope you’re enjoying this wonderful experience and embracing your culture. We miss you dearly, looking forward to hearing from you soon. Love you!
My boombie! I’m just in awe of how simply amazing this experience is and how much you’re learning, growing & enjoying!!! I anxiously await each day’s blog and read each one like 10 times! It’s just so awesome! Keep expanding your mind & soaking in every minute of every day. We miss you & love you more than words, but knowing you are in great hands & seeing how happy you are in all the pictures is just everything to me ! Keep up the great work. Can’t wait to talk to you!l & hear all about it! My special girl ❤️ Xoxoxox
Sounds like an incredible day and experience. So proud of you and miss you so much!
How cute! juliet missed you too <3
Laurie (Grandma)
Jayla, amazing job as co-team leader! I love hearing about the things you are learning and experiencing…I’m so proud of you! Enjoy your work and free time! XOXO
Rene (Abuelo)
Jayden- mijo tu abuela y yo estamos bien contentos y tranquilos aver qué estes bien y disfrutando esta experiencia. Aún más orgulloso de ti! Felicidades a ti y todos tus compañeros sigan disfrutando la cultura Dominicana y la belleza de tu país.
Oye Copa América- Argentina y España ganó… van muy bien los equipos.
I love you y un abrazo muy fuerte por parte de nosotros tus abuelos.
Hiiii Glimpsers!
I am so proud of each and everyone of you, especially you, Jayden. What an incredible few days you’ve experienced together in the Dominican Republic!! You sure are eating good out there! Continue to embrace the beauty and culture of this amazing country and its wonderful people.
I look forward in hearing your voice Jayden.
We miss you, but we also couldn’t be happier to see you thriving in this journey. Xo
cinthia carriel
I am glad everyone is having so much fun. I was soooo happy to hear from you today Daniela. We both had happy tears. Glad you are feeling ok. Time flies so enjoy it to the max.
Hola Global Glimpsers and Mariana. We have been enjoying reading the blog and following along with this great adventure. Keep enjoying, learning and getting out of your comfort zones. This will open your minds and will enrich you so much. It’s wonderful to see those smiling faces in the pictures.
Looking forward to your next post!
Jasmin (Giana’s mom )
Thank you guys for always keeping us up to date with trip!!! The more detail the better .I want to feel like I’m there ?
I am happy everyone is having a great time and enjoying the experience. I was so happy to hear my baby’s voice today !!!! We miss you so much ?? and can’t wait for next week !!!
Hope you guys continue to create great memories !!!
Giana we love you and can’t wait to hear all the stories when you get back home ?
Keep having fun, we miss you but time flies so enjoy it ?
Brent Nichols (GG Staff)
Jayla and Daniela, this is a great blog. I love your title and how you are engaging the reader in multiple ways including priming families for some small gifts upon student return. It’s also super neat to see your call out for family comments and even better to see families responding! By the time I write this there were already almost 16 comments in a day which is awesome to see.
It’s great to see that your experience in the community was eye opening and that you are grateful for what you have in the US but I’d encourage you all to also reflect on how the local community might also have strengths that many communities in the US don’t have. Aka – maybe some of the community members had less material possessions but that led to deeper relationships? This is just an example and it sounds like you all are on the right track, but dig deep into your personal reflections! Keep up the good work C1B!
Angel Brown
It was so good to hear from you Jade (mama) I’m so glad your enjoying yourself. What and experience. You are doing great things keep up the good work love Grandma
I hope you’re having so much fun, Savannah!!
Issa loves and misses youuuu ❤️
Hi everyone and Mariana and greetings from headquarters in Connecticut! Been enjoying the photos and the updates from your activities. Looking forward to hearing more and a few good stories along with it. Keep enjoying guys, the trip looks like an amazing experience
Elvia Chery
Hey Xavier so you’re still funny even while in another country. I see what you have in your hand in the picture. You got to buy your toy chicken anyway ????? I am really cracking up right now. I needed that joke. I love you so much ❤️❤️
Kathy & D’Lilah
Hi daniela v this is your cousin D’Lilah hope you’re having a great time we miss you so much
Titi kathy
Doing amazing things Daniela hope this trip gives you the best experience
We miss you ?