After getting a chance to sleep in on our last official day in the beautiful city of Turrialba, we woke up to a nice breakfast by our amazing chef Diego; consisting of French toast, eggs, fruit, and cereal.
Once breakfast was over, we decided to enjoy our last day inside amongst our peers, getting everything packed and ready to go for the morning in between card games, and long talks about our journey so far. Once everyone was packed, one of our cherished leaders Sonia led the entire group in a salsa dance class, where some showed off their newfound salsa moves.
We then joined in the dining room for lunch where we had fish, salad, rice, beans, and plantains. Afterward, we continued to take time to ourselves to catch up with our peers before leaving. Some decided to go to the local market to buy things from party supplies to baking products. At around 6:30, the entire group gathered in a circle to start our group reflection. We began the activity by using our journals to create a map of things and people that have inspired us so far throughout our entire two-week journey, sharing what we wrote in small groups; allowing us a chance to relate our own highs to other’s highs of the entire trip. Next, we stood in a circle around the dining room and played an activity where everyone closed their eyes, and anonymously tapped on the shoulder of a person they felt fell under a certain category. We then enjoyed a beautiful slideshow presentation made by one of our leaders; Leona, displaying some of our most memorable moments of our journey so far. To complete our reflection, everyone wrote their name on a blank piece of paper and passed it around the dining room, where everyone wrote a message they wanted to dedicate to that specific person.
About an hour later, students planned a surprise party for our program coordinators (Memo and Sonia) and chef (Diego), where we all took a moment to appreciate their dedication and contribution to our overall trip.
We then progressed on to dinner, where we enjoyed chalupas. To end the night, students were able to enjoy free time with their peers before having to call it a night.
Our journey has seemingly gone by in a matter of seconds, yet we will never forget the amazing community we had the opportunity to be a part of. Thank you all for tuning in. Pura Vida ❤️.
Comments (2)
Barbara, Steve and Jacob
What an amazing experience you have all had! We have enjoyed keeping up a little with all that you have journaled for us and we look forward to hearing more stories from you when we see you! We miss you so much and can’t wait to see you tomorrow! Thank you for being so kind to each other. Safe travels home!
Christine Weeks
I cannot wait to hear all about this amazing trip but also realize how bittersweet this must be for all the glimpsers. Safe travels home everyone!