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Student Trip Blog

Day 12 – FUN DAY

Greetings to everyone back home! Today we had a late wake-up call at 8:00 AM and had breakfast at 9:00 AM made by Ikla. At 10 we made our way to Desde Hotel Hacia Rincon del Faro where we had a fun beach day! It was pretty rainy today but we made the best of it and had some fun after 3 long CAP days. We played volleyball by the beach and collected some really pretty seashells. Some were more adventurous and decided to explore and climb the rocks along the beach. After spending time with each other for a little we had lunch, which consisted of chicken tenders and fries for mostly everyone but some opted for grilled chicken or fish instead. After lunch, we chilled for a bit then got back in the pool and some went back to play volleyball on the beach. At 3 we gathered everyone up and came back to the hotel where we chilled for about 20 minutes before heading to Paulina’s to indulge in some of her delicious homemade ice cream. We had some free time so we signed out in groups to enjoy our last night in Panama. After about 30 minutes in the town, we headed back to the hotel where we had about an hour left of free time so we spent some time packing for our journey back to Panama. We had dinner at 6 then had our last nightly meeting in Las Tablas. Today’s energy was very refreshing, everyone felt accomplished and deserving of a fun day so it was nice to actually see everyone enjoying themselves.

P.S : Shoutout to my mom and dad for always encouraging me and pushing me to take this opportunity to be in such a beautiful country with an amazing group of people. This trip taught me to get out of my comfort zone and taught me an appreciation for what I have back at home but also an appreciation for Panamanian culture. I miss you mommy and I can’t wait to see you!!!!- Kennedy

P.S. Hi Mommy, Taylor,Tyson, And Daddy, after a long rigourous lesson by multiple of my friends I finally grasped the skills to swim or at least start swimming(in 3 feet water):0:))). I really think we shoud invest in some lessons for me lol. Being leader today was fun and I loved bonding with everyone. I can’t wait to tell you all about my trip when I see you again. Also I am ready to go on Target Runs Again!-Trinity

-Big Love,

Trinity & Kennedy

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Comments (8)

Rachel Wiley

on July 23, 2024 at 8:30 pm

Aww Trin, I’m so proud of your bravery. I love how you spent this time making new friends and gaining new experiences. I hope you took lots of pictures with your camera because the blog pics are kinda blurry. I’m super excited to give you a big squeeze and hear all about your adventures. Keep safe. Stay with your group. See you soon.
Love Mom

Andria aka Nonnie

on July 24, 2024 at 5:28 am

Congratulations, Everyone, on a job well done!
Safe travels as you return home. ✈️
? Hey Xen! ❤️??
I’m so proud of you, and your work ethic!
I can’t wait to see you and you’re smiling face and hear about your adventures.
Nonnie ?


on July 24, 2024 at 7:09 am

Hoping everyone had an amazing experience by learning a different culture. wishing everyone made great friends and still be able to keep in touch, I can only wish everyone the best and thanks for sharing all the wonderful experiences and photos, I miss my Briza but I am so proud of her, praying for a safe welcome back trip

Liliana Markovic

on July 24, 2024 at 7:12 am

Wow, what an amazing and fun day! Mia, it’s great to hear you’re all enjoying your time and making the most of your experiences. We can’t wait to hear all your stories when you’re back. Keep soaking in all the experiences, and remember, we’re so proud of you! Big love to you and all the Glimpsers!
Love Mamasita
P.S. Trinity, congratulations on learning to swim!

Julie van Leer

on July 24, 2024 at 8:15 am

I’m sure you all have mixed feelings about this trip ending, but I think I can speak for most parents in saying that we can’t wait for that in-person hug. Great adventures are ahead, but few things will stay with you like this experience. I was so grateful for these updates, so thanks to everyone for writing after what seemed like intense and long days. Erik, let me know if the best part of travel is coming home. So many good things are to come.

Rachel Beals

on July 24, 2024 at 1:49 pm

It’s been wonderful getting to know you all a bit through these posts. You should feel proud of all you’ve accomplished. Can’t wait to hear more. Louie’s mom – Rachel

The Andersons

on July 24, 2024 at 5:04 pm

What a wonderful crew! You all worked hard and derserved a day to yourselves!
We can’t to see you tomorrow to welcome you home, hear about your adventure, and see your pictures. Yes, Robby will be there.
Mom, Dad, & Angie

Andria aka Nonnie

on July 25, 2024 at 5:56 am

Hi Xen & Glimpsers!
Have a safe flight and journey home! ✈️
Congratulations on all that you accomplished on this wonderful adventure! ❤️
Nonnie ?

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