Hello everyone, my name is Ketzally, and I am 16 years old. Today as the Leader of the Day, I woke everyone up at 7:00 am, then we left to finish our Community Action Project back at the school at 8:00 am after breakfast. Today, some of us worked painting the fence around the school, and some of us worked mixing the cement we used.
As the Leader of the Day today, I learned that communication is very important, especially when working on a project like the one we did today. Something that surprised me today was seeing how fast the groups were working with the cement. I am most proud of being able to complete the three days of our Community Action Project. Being the leader today was an enjoyable and knowledgeable experience, where I learned how much responsibility it takes to lead a group. Now that the day is over, I pass the torch to Sophia and Yadira.

Created with RNI Films app. Profile ‘Agfacolor 40’s’
Comments (5)
Maria (Sophia’s Mom)
That is a great project! Everyone contributed to successfully complete it! I’m sure the school will appreciate this.
Construction is an intense environment. It comes with uncontrollable setbacks, but you work through it. Once it’s done, it feels good to see the physical outcome of your hard work!
Congratulations everyone!
I can’t wait to hear all this from Phia! Sophia, May the force be with you and Yadira as you embark as leaders of the day. ? Sending love! You got this babe!
What an accomplishment! So proud of all of you! Now we have construction pros in every GG family.
Looking forward to seeing you all back soon!
Monique Woods
Giving back is so fulfilling. I am sure this trip has changed all of you in such a positive way. Your eyes are now open to things you didn’t imagine. I hope this trip will cause some of you to continue the journey of being humanitarians and philanthropist. Great job GG crew! A huge THANK YOU to all of the GG Leaders and Chaperones who took great care of out young adults. I personally appreciate you and than you all. Daisy’s Mom
Sandra D Jump (grandma Tootsie)
Hi KK, loved the facials (the green masks) you guys look so happy. I also want to tell what great work on the cement and paint. Congratulations, your Uncle Mondo would be proud of you. Love you see you soon. Hugs and Kisses Grandma Tootsie
Nate Olmstead
Great work team! Hope everyone is enjoying the experience!