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Student Trip Blog

CAP Day 2- Monday 8/14

Today we continued our CAP day project, helping the local community of Canada de Las Palmas have a place to commute. Our opinions on the work we did today are rather positive considering most of the students were tired by the end of the day. The manual labor was much needed after a week of observation, study, and relaxation. The demolition aspect of the construction work made the group more lively throughout the blazing heat and the mess. We concluded the day with water and coffee with the locals of the community (the coffee was #muybien).

We returned to the hotel to write our drafts for the letters of appreciation to the Global Glimpse supporters. We concluded the day by passing the torch to the new Leaders of the Day for the final work day.

https://globalglimpse.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/WhatsApp-Video-2023-08-14-at-8.17.28-PM.mp4 https://globalglimpse.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/WhatsApp-Video-2023-08-14-at-7.51.25-PM.mp4

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