Hey Glimpsers and Parents (and anyone else reading this)!
I’m Ben Nathan, one of the leaders for the trip. I lived in the South (Florida, Kentucky, Georgia) for the first 24 years of my life, but have been in the bay for the last 16 years. I taught at Oakland School for the Arts for 7 years, but now have been at Berkeley High for 8 years. It’s all math for me (but I did teach physics for a couple of years, but no more). Also, I’ve been doing Global Glimpse most of the time I’ve been a teacher too, with my first trip in 2010 and this will be my 7th. I love being active, so hiking, running, sports are some of my favorite activities. I also read…a lot. You’ll see me with a book all the time. I’m also a social type, so I’m always open for a conversation about just about anything, but my favorite topics lately have been my dog and soccer.
I can’t even explain how excited I am to go to Costa Rica with all of you. It’s a new place for me and I’m so excited for the GG experience in a new place. My favorite things about GG are learning about the new food in every country I visit, getting a chance to meet all of the people involved in the local community that the program coordinators set up for us, and watching all of you become part of the community and a community of your own.
Can’t wait to see all of you and get this show on the road, literally!
This is a picture of me at the Cliffs of Moher (aka The Cliffs of Insanity)