Family, friends, and random onlookers of our trip! I am Andrew Andaya-Phillips, here to give you an update on our Glimpsers today! We started off by waking up at 6:30 am and eating breakfast at the hotel. We then took a trip to El Guayabal, where we met the water committee of Cienega Larga and Dr. Alexis to discuss how water is delivered to the people of Panama and kept clean. Giving our thanks, we returned back to the hotel. Once there, we listened to a presentation offered to us by Katia and her family from the indigenous tribe of the Guna. They shared with us their way of life, dances, delicious food, celebrations, and last but not least amazing mola designs.
Afterward, we had lunch at the hotel before meeting up to discuss our theme of the trip: biocultural diversity. We talked about the cultures of the world and how they related back to living beings, strengthing our understanding and appreciation for both. After that, we finalized our designs for the CAP. The Glimpsers presented these designs to the members of the elementary school and, with a little bit of tweaking and a few additions, were able to make art pieces that were perfect for them.
To close out the night we had dinner at the hotel and thanked our wonderful cook, Angie for preparing everyone three meals for the day. Finally, we had our nightly meeting to reflect on what we accomplished, interacting and cooperating during all the presentations.
As a final message, I´d like to send love from Panama to my mom, dad, stepdad, aunts and uncles, cousins, three adorable dogs, and my wonderful papa, mama, and grandma for supporting me through the comments. Thank you all for reading the blog and I hope you stay tuned in for the next one tomorrow. Ciao!
(PS: I may or may not have forgotten my camera charger at home. I will bring plenty of souvenirs to compensate.)
Comments (12)
Shawn Phillips
Great write-up! Sounds like a great trip. Thor and Pandora say hi.
Misha Andaya-Loomis
Looks like you all are having an amazing trip so far! This is an experience of a lifetime and as a parent I am so grateful that you have this unique and memorable opportunity.
Stay cool and safe Andrew. Loving the pictures (that your uncharged camera probably didn’t take) and thanks for leaving this awesome messy room for me to look at. Big family dinner with all your loved ones when you get home.
P.s Mia celebrated her 6 month birthday this week and is waiting patiently for her present.
Love ya kiddo!
Lisa Loomis
It’s great to get the play by play of your trip Andrew! It sounds amazing and the food… make sure to try everything!
So awesome to hear all that everyone is learning. Congratulations on living the adventure of a lifetime.
Oh my favorite nephew, looks like the trip is starting off great. We are so proud of you making this journey. Enjoy every moment!
Very cool!! So much things to do in a day.
Richard Byle
Well done and what a wonderful way to start an adventure!
Enjoy every moment you can.
We are looking forward to hearing about this opportunity when you get home.
Noah Andaya
Dear Andrew,
I met the snake man today and have met defeat approximately 20+ times so far. So yeah bye.
Jane Andaya
Andrew, your blog post is absolutely amazing! It’s incredible to hear about all the experiences and learning opportunities you’re having in Panama. Xander and I are so proud of you for immersing yourself in the culture and for your thoughtful reflections on biocultural diversity. Your descriptions make us feel like we’re right there with you! We can’t wait to hear more about your adventures when you get back. Don’t worry about the camera charger – the memories and stories you’ll share will be more than enough – but we will accept any token of your adventures either way. Keep having a fantastic time and stay safe. We love you and are cheering you on from home!
With lots of love,
Auntie Jane, Xander, Coco & Louie
Iris the cat c/o Brittany (Hana’s mom)
Meoooow. Meow. Chatter chatter chatter chatter.
Lose translation: Hana person, please to tell me more about the Cienega Larga. I thinks I should much like to stare deeply at the creatures of the swamp from a high. Batcat must learn more about what lives in there and if it is fun to bat around like my favorite Lego is.
Dara Dubosky ( zadie’s mom)
So happy you are all getting to experience Panama together. I love following your daily logs and seeing all the awesome places and activities! Enjoy every moment! Stay hydrated and wear your sunscreen.
Tia (Michele’s Mom)
Phew those 6am wake ups are something else. Rising with the sun! Absorb as much of Panama as you can. Especially some recipes.
Love you!
Jen Covington
Sounds like you’re enjoying your trip & learning a lot. Keep up the great work!