Good afternoon family and friends,
Today we started our day really early, we woke up at 6:00am!!! Many struggled to get up but luckily they tried their best to get out of bed ?. Today for breakfast we went to Roma Santa. We had some fluffy mini pancakes, raspberry sauce, crispy chicken nuggets, mini hot dogs, fried dough, tea, milk, and coffee. After our hefty meal, we got on the bus for a long 2-hour drive to the mountain called Chimborazo. Though it was a very long ride we collaborated to create the RB3B Spotify playlist which got us through the ride in a hopeful spirit. When we arrived we reflected on our journey through the cap project over a cup a tea and coffee. Right after, we did a chant to show respect to the lord of the mountain/ the god of ice! When we got back to the bus we drove through the rocky mountain to the first refuge where we learned from our tour guide Edison that if you find chuquiragua, a plant with orange flowers, it means that the mountain is male. A lot of the students were afraid of riding up the mountain, especially Sekou and Kai. When we got to the top we walked to a red building and some of us struggled because we were 1,200 meters up in the sky with little oxygen ?. Nevertheless, we tried our best with the help of our tour guide Edison. Some of us even took on the challenge of climbing up the second refuge. the climbing record to the top and back from the mountain was 3 hours and 59 min set by Karl Egloff a Swiss man who has set multiple records for mountains. Chimborazo has many different interpretations. Chimba means brave and Razo means snow. Fun fact, Chimborazo is the closest point to the center of the earth. We were higher than those who climbed to the top of Mount Everest. Today we also Roma Santa, our assume lunch was a salad, chicken, fish soup, and fruit smoothie. Dinner tonight was at Roma Santa as well we had delicious spaghetti and meatballs, spaghetti and chicken, a topping of parmesan cheese, a fruit smoothie, tea, and a side salad. We ended our day like always with our nightly meeting.
Comments (20)
Tenzin Lungrik
Hi baby glad your safe and having fun
Tenzin Lungrik
I also miss you very dearly and love you very dearly. Kai I also miss you too Brodie. From your whole family and I Keilyn have fun stay safe and enjoy the few days you have left okay baby.
*Ps for some reason it got cut off?♂️
OMG Chimborazo!!!!!!!!! Yayyy that’s so cool although it looks very cold haha! Hope you’re having the best timee and the altitude isn’t too bad! ?
Shanea L Bunch
Hi Son, its mom ? today was the block party and everyone missed you. They sent you a lot of well wishes and are really proud of you. Its 1:37am right now and i’m just getting home. I have a flight to S.C. in the morning to pick up Jayden and then we will be back to see you in on Wednesday. I love you so much. Im looking forward to your call today. I’m praying to be in a town with good service so i don’t miss it.
Yanely Vasquez
Hi sisterrrr, I hope you’re having fun! I love you and I miss you <3
Gianny's Mom
Gianny, we can’t wait to see you and hear all about your adventures. We love you and miss you <3
That looks like an amazing and well-deserved adventure after your days of hard work! Remi – did you make it to level 2? I can’t wait to see more pictures and hear more about it! I’m so curious about this red building! Why is there a building at the top of a mountain? Looks like the Ecuadorian climate is suiting you very well ? Speak to you tonight! Yay!
That’s amazing! I’m sure you were all so proud of yourselves for accomplishing that hike! We’re proud of you. Glad to see everyone was bundled up, I’m sure the higher you went, the colder it was.
Iggy- I hope you have been taking photos with the cameras you packed! If not, start now! We love you!
-Stephanie (Iggy’s Mom)
Looks to be an amazing experience! I can tell it was cold, especially looking at Corlin! He’s all bundled up and still looks cold! Brrrrr! I’m so curious what is on the RB3B spotify playlist! ? Thanks Kareen and Sekou for the post!
(Madison, Denver got “Starlight” and “Back to December” last night! I see you wore your sneaks…hope they treated your feet well! I’m curious if you made it up to the second refuge. We can’t wait to hear all about this trip! We are excited to chat with you today and hope you remember Kulas has swim today so Papa and he won’t be home until a bit later so we are hoping for a late evening call if the schedule allows it. Regardless, we can’t wait to hear your voice. Hope you are having a wonderful day today! Love you lots! TIAB!!!)
1200 meters up in the sky is crazy but seems like a lot of fun, i hope you’re living the life in Ecuador Madison miss u and can’t wait for u to fill me on everything when you get back!
Wow! What a great experience. Soon I will be hearing all the details from Carina.
I love you very much and counting the days to see you. GLIMPSERS this is a great opportunity for reflection. Most of you are entering your senior year in High School in September probably with a lot of stressful decisions to make but just remember the trip and how each day brought new things. Continue having fun while taking risks and learning.
Love, Carina’s Mom
Cicilyn Scott
Wow!! Teishani, seems like you made up on the mountain, amazing. The whole team is amazing, climbing to that height.
I thank God for keeping you all safe and I will continue to pray for you all.
Can’t wait to see you. I am getting ready to go home tomorrow. The time spent in Florida was great, even though it’s extremely hot.
Take care of yourself and continue to enjoy your experience in Riobamba.
I love you, mom
Mariana Gnyp
This is an amazing trip, perfect for my son. Very thankful for him to have this opportunity.
Dennis we missed you.
Grandpa and grandma saying hello of course Coco and Garfield.
It is very hot and rainy in New York . Enjoy wether there?
Silvia Herrera
Hi keilyn
Have fun
we love you so much ?me encanta ver tus fotos .
Silvia Herrera
Hi keilyn. We can’t wait to see you we love ❤️
Hey Maddie, looking a little chilly there! What a great experience though ?
Jannette Ku Chia
Francisco Hernandez
mi hija, we love to see your smiles and that you are having a once in a lifetime experience, enjoy every moment and cherish those memories. TIAB tu padre
Riobamba 7-6-2023 RB3B-NYC
Iggy – Hi mom! I’ve ran out of photos to take on the cameras, love you mom p.s it was really cold on the mountain
Terry Bunch-Washington
Hi Grandson Isaiah, I’m so proud of you, can’t wait to hear about your many 1st experiences while on this trip. Love you and keep making positive memories.
Tatiana Issa
That looks amazing!!! So much fun!! (Chloe, mommy loves you!)