Chris Stakich

Chief Experience Officer at YPO

After graduating from Harvard University, Chris dedicated his entire career to the intersection of travel and education. Chris currently serves as the Chief Experience Officer for the Young Presidents Organization. With 32,000 CEO members in 143 countries, the YPO is the largest global leadership organization for CEO’s in the world. Prior to YPO, Chris served as the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Rustic Pathways. With full time operations in more than 20 countries around the world, Rustic Pathways is widely viewed as the global leader in community service and education-based travel for high school students. In addition, Chris also served as Co-Founder and Executive Director of Thinking Beyond Borders, board member of Thrival Academies, Founder of the USA Gap Year Fairs and board advisor to Global Citizen Year. Chris currently lives in Lake Tahoe with his wife and 3 young boys.