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Impact in Action: Stories from Our 2024 Glimpsers

Greetings from Global Glimpse alum Adanna! I’ve had the pleasure of returning to GG this Summer as an intern! I have had the incredible opportunity to follow along with student reflections on their blogs as they share their travel experiences. I’ve enjoyed reading how Glimpsers learned to expand their knowledge, develop their leadership skills, become global citizens, and return home empowered to contribute to their communities — just like I did!
I invite you to check out a few of my favorite blogs below to get inspired!



“ASCALA strives to fight that every day, even with constant pushback from the government, and try their best to protect the immigrants from being deported. It was a difficult but necessary discussion. We felt great empathy for what these people had to go through, even though it’s not their fault! We now believe it is greatly beneficial to be educated on the various political affairs happening around the world. As students and as the youth of the next generation, it inspires us to keep treating everyone with the same respect and keep the experiences of those less fortunate, like immigrants, in mind in our future endeavors. Read more…


Students in Panama


“Being immersed in the Paris de Parita community gave us a chance to see the differences between our lives and those of Panamánian communities. As we observed their connections with their neighbors and families and their passions for gardening and making recycled crafts, we acknowledged their focus on happiness created through interactions between community members as they went through their everyday activities. We compared this to how we live in the United States, focusing more on material wealth and the desire for accomplishments than a connection with those around us. We talked about how we can bring these lessons home with us to incorporate their beauty into our lifestyles.Read more…

Embracing the theme of community, these Glimpsers were met with a warm welcome from the vibrant community of Paris de Parita. Immersed in the profound bonds, rich culture, and boundless creativity of the community, the group recognizes that true wealth lies in meaningful connections rather than material possessions. This experience prompts the group to reflect on their own lives and consider how they could incorporate the values of community, simplicity, and togetherness into their lives at home.



“Out of working with these people, the most inspiring to me was Teofilo’s 14-year-old son and his dedication to not only helping his dad but also helping his community in which he lives with the goal of finally getting easier access to water. The storm came, and Teofilo was really caring and took Enrique and me to his house to take shelter while we waited for the rest of the group…After all the tears, sweat, blisters, rain, and dirt, we are still excited to finish our project and make a change in a very deserving community.” Read more…

With tons of humor and personality, Leaders of the Day Ashley and Roselyn share their challenging and rewarding experience working to connect over 2,296 ft of piping to create an aquaduct for a local community. The group shows strong teamwork and motivation, pushing through stormy weather and soreness to finish their Community Action Project in collaboration with local leaders.



“We helped design the park. We mixed and made cement, and then poured it into the base of our designated stations. We helped make seating sections for the park. We cleaned the skate park and painted murals. We did a lot within these past few days, but we felt that we wanted to do so much more. It was good to give back to others in some way, shape or form. We enjoyed getting to know the community and bonding with them. We hope that the community can enjoy this space.” Read more…

As they reflect on the hard work they’ve done on their Community Action Project, Leaders of the Day Anthony and Parris share the valuable lessons they’ve learned about teamwork and dedication. They fully embrace their leadership roles, effectively communicating, providing support and motivation, and setting a strong example for the rest of the team. In the spirit of quote of the day, “In a time of destruction, create something,” they unite to transform a vision into reality, building a beautiful community skatepark from the ground up.



When it came time to give my big love I made sure to individually congratulate everyone on the trip because I didn’t want anyone to feel left out. Being able to tell everyone how I felt about every single one of them and how happy they all made me feel throughout this whole trip felt like lifting a massive weight off my shoulders…If I could I would put all the accolades that I gave everyone but it would be a long read and a long write. Spending this night with everyone showed me that friends and experiences can happen fast and you have to be ready to cherish them and leave them behind. I wanna thank everyone that came on this trip and everyone that supported us throughout the trip. ” Read more…

In this final reflection, Leader of the Day Jesus embodies the Global Glimpse spirit by sharing big love, demonstrating the significance of each individual connection formed throughout the past two weeks. Jesus acknowledges that the trip would not have been the same without each individual’s presence, emphasizing the meaningful friendships these Glimpsers have fostered. Regardless of whether they see each other in person again, the lessons learned, memories created, and bonds built will remain with these Glimpsers for a lifetime!

A message from the author:
From Glimpser to Alumni intern, my experiences with Global Glimpse have been a constant source of inspiration. This Summer, I had the privilege of reading hundreds of blog posts, each one capturing transformative lessons in teamwork, empathy, perseverance, and leadership. What excites me most is witnessing how each student grows into their leadership roles, harnessing their unique skills and experiences to drive meaningful change.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading these powerful blogs written by our inspiring global citizens!

Big Love,