Recent posts from: Trip Blogs 2014

Final Reflection/Departure

Hey everyone, this is Moises Duran and today it’s a bitter sweet day for everyone in the hostel. We first woke up as usual but packing away our clothes and souvenirs we bought for our families. During breakfast we had our last serving of rice, beans and a...

Testing Blog on León

Hi everyone: I’m at Hostel León Imperial in León testing the GG blog with the Surface RT Tablet. Now I can write the Title of the blog, but I just could do it without the Bluetooth keyboard (just with the Tablet virtual keyboard). Saludos,...


Hi everyone: I’m here in Granada at the Hostal Amigos de la Casa Roja, running a test on the GG Blog with the Surface RT Tablet. The Tablet has a great hardware and works great, but there’s one thing driving me crazy, it just have Internet Explorer as web...

The Amazing Journey

Today wasn’t just any day; it was one of the most emotional but happiest days of our lives.  I woke up all of the Global Glimpsers today at 5am which isn’t as easy as it sounds.  But thanks to the trusted help of Christian Lyken, it was easier for me to...